about this site!
i've been wanting to design my own lil site ever since i learned the basics from my human-computer interaction course in uni.

back when the old internet was still very much the current internet for the time, i was too young to have been allowed to use the computer freely, but i do vaguely remember hearing about personal websites being a thing.

and since the internet is slowly becoming more and more unusable with each passing day i decided to do a lil coding here and there while avoiding my assignments and here we are now!

my site name is a name i've been using on tumblr and basically means that i don't really understand how to get around places whether online or in real life + cat.

i don't really use social media all that often and i don't really like interacting with or bothering people too much so i think having my only small corner where i just exist is pretty nice
but if u do wanna chat with me i will do my best!!!

even if its just me talking to the void i still think it feels nice to get talk about things i like and stuff :3

i do hope you enjoy having a look around!